Status routes
This is a simple way to add very basic monitoring to a web app. As status route is a public url that returns a http status code and a text with the status of the app. The developer can add basic checks. Like checking if the database is online, workers are active, env vars are set, there is enough diskspace, etc. Again this is just the bare necessities and full server monitoring is better of course. Add these to simple website monitoring tools. Your site or app may be online but not sending email because a worker is not running and this a simple way to detect that.
Rails sidekiq check
From: Also interesting: Sidekiq checks
class Public::StatusController < Public::PublicController
# only if you use Pundit
before_action :skip_authorization
def database
render plain: "Database is okay", status: :ok
rescue StandardError
render(plain: "Can't query database", status: :service_unavailable) && return
def sidekiq
stats =
latency =
render(plain: 'No processes', status: :service_unavailable) && return if stats.processes_size == 0
render(plain: "Too many enqueued (#{stats.enqueued})", status: :service_unavailable) && return if stats.enqueued > 250
render(plain: "Latency more than 10 minutes (#{latency})", status: :service_unavailable) && return if latency > 600
render plain: 'Sidekiq is alive and kicking', status: :ok