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The Debian/Ubuntu package called webhook is very useful. Uses systemd to run but you have to adjust the config a bit.

apt install webhook

The file /lib/systemd/system/webhook.service should contain this ExecStart command. The order of the options matters!

ExecStart=/usr/bin/webhook -nopanic -hooks /etc/webhook.conf -hotreload -verbose -port 8000

bash systemctl edit webhook


Here is a /etc/webhook.conf example:

    "id": "deploy-j5wnuY96pbtit",
    "execute-command": "",
    "command-working-directory": "/opt/app-name/"

Webhook with Parameters

    "id": "deploy-123456789",
    "execute-command": "/opt/",
           "source": "url",
           "name": "var1"
           "source": "url",
           "name": "var2"
           "source": "url",
           "name": "var3"

Firewall on Digital Ocean

# to get the Droplet ID
doctl compute droplet  list
# add firewall rule
doctl compute firewall create --name "allow-webhook-from-all" --inbound-rules "protocol:tcp,ports:9000" --droplet-ids

Github Actions line

    - name: Trigger deploy webhook
      run: curl -s -k

Deploy script for containers

#set -o errexit
#set -o nounset
#set -o pipefail

# load file outside of git repo with your DOCKER_TOKEN (PAT)
source ~/.env
# login so we can pull the container
echo $DOCKER_TOKEN | docker login --username --password-stdin
# actually pull container
docker-compose pull backend

# restart container
# docker-compose restart backend # WARN: this seems to load an old image
docker compose stop backend
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --renew-anon-volumes backend #